"Nightmares occur from time to time in many children, but they are most common in preschoolers (children aged 3-6 years) because this is the age at which normal fears develop and a child’s imagination is very active."(Webmd)In the picture book, Not a Sound, Not a Peep, the youngest child suffers through nightmares. This takes a toll on the entire family, as does a nightmare in any preschooler. The family in the book comes up with a few pretty good ideas to comfort the little girl, but sometimes it takes a lot of effort to help a child through the terrors. The first thing is to find out why the nightmares started. Nightmares can happen because of:
- Starting school.
- Moving to a new neighborhood
- Family divorce or remarriage.
- Nightmares can occur from family history
- Fever
- Medication
- Listen . Don't ridicule, belittle, or ignore the child's fear.
- Comfort your child. Reassure the child about his/her safety
- Teach coping skills. Help the child to learn to relax, make the "monster spray", read,
- Security object. Help your child become attached to a security object that he can keep in bed with him. This can help your child feel more relaxed at bedtime and throughout the night.
- Make the dark fun. Play games, give the child a flashlight, plug in a nightlight.
- Avoid incidents that cause fear. Such as TV shows, stories, games, arguments between adults.
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