Picture books from the series: "IN MY SISTER'S WORLD"
The series features African-American sisters, Mhia Gillean, and JaKarra, and their view of the world around them.view more videos
What would you do to ease the fears of your child’s nightmares? NOT A SOUND, NOT A PEEP shows how the family in prose and illustrations handles the nightmares of Mhia, the youngest child in the family. .
BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM explores the advantages and disadvantages of being the middle child and shows how Gillean discovers she has the uniqueness of being the only sister with the ability to be either the eldest or the youngest child in the family.
Mhia is so upset about not being able to hug the sun her mom tell her the story of the antics the sun goes through to get a hug and she learns a little science in the end. Who Will Hug the Sun is part of a series of picture books titled IN MY SISTER’S WORLD . Kindle, Smashwords , Sony or Kobo, Scribed Nook and iPadhere & here.
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I post at THE NATURAL PARENT http://livinginglass.blogspot.com on the weekends mostly. There I write about plants, and babies and such. Give a little parenting advice and play the grandm...uh "Lovey." This is my relaxing spot.
I am a caged in frustrated author and self-publisher of thought provoking, mind bending books, an occasional step-in parent, a fountain of knowledge, and ready to share. Visit Wade-In Publishing http://wade-inpublishing.com.
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