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Unplanned Motherhood Web Series "Sneak Peek" #comedy #amwriting #parenting

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I am so excited to announce the premier of a new web series starring fellow author, Lena Sledge. It is called UNPLANNED MOTHERHOOD.
Unplanned Motherhood is a comedy web series for perfectly imperfect families, starring Lena Sledge as Layla, a wife and mother of five that gives parenting advice on her real life mommy blog. Her unique parenting style contradicting with her perfect parenting advice lends to a distinct brand of humor.

 With each episode we see Layla teaching her kids life lessons as she discovers more about herself and the advice she gives to her readers. Unique to this web series is the actual blog that Layla writes where she gives the perfect parenting advice and after many of her posts, follows the tag line; to see how I really handled the situation watch this week's episode. This web series is special because the viewers of the web series and the readers of the real life blog get to interact with Layla and let her know if her advice is on the money or share their own parenting advice.

 Unplanned Motherhood debuts March 28th!!!! Click the picture to follow the Facebook page.
So go visit the Youtube site,subscribe,like and leave a comment.

2 Response to Unplanned Motherhood Web Series "Sneak Peek" #comedy #amwriting #parenting

March 19, 2014 at 9:18 AM

Great write up. I can't wait to see the web series. Live the cutting edge concept of it being interactive!!

March 24, 2014 at 9:07 AM

I'm excited about the concept, too. Thank you so much for stopping by.


This is my blog, not a public forum. I don't mind serious discussion, but I will delete your comments for personal attacks (whether on me or my guests), in appropriate language,disrespectful behavior or excessive self-promotion. Thanks for stopping by.

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