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New Clothes Aren't the Only Thing Needed for School

Best Blogger Tips

Those first few weeks back in school can be very trying for the child at no matter what age. As the parent you aren't left out of the anxiety pool. As a matter of fact the entire family is thrown in head first, rather you are ready or not. I have just a few questions.

1. Have you REALLY checked out the person or establishment that will be caring for your child? Don't believe because you have done this before you know all of the signs of incompetence, and or neglect. This article Who Is Caring For Your Child at bloggingauthors.com asks some very pointed questions. Check it out

2. Are you paying attention to your older child? Don't ignore the sullenness, look of sadness and the rude attitude. Ask yourself, "Is my child being bullied?" "What's really going on in his/her life?"

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