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The Perfect Solution- Childcare Survey #parenting #thingslegendsaremadeof

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Excerpt from the novel: The Perfect Solution “...I placed the most precious thing I had in the world, in your hands and you people did not take your jobs seriously."

Dear Parent, grandparent, teacher, childcare provider, and person who cares for the welfare of a child,

Are you aware of the mistreatment, neglect, and deaths of children which have occurred in traditional and/or home based child care centers? Some happen in  traditional as well as as home based. Are you becoming concerned? I am. Are there perhaps things we as the caregivers should be doing to eliminate daily incidents of negligence and keep horrific results like those from occurring?

Hi, I’m Ey Wade. I have been in the childcare profession for over thirty years, both in the traditional centers and as owner of a private home based center. I have witnessed and heard of a lot of things which should never have happened when a child is placed in the hands of another.

The following are questions which came to mind as I wrote the novel, The Perfect Solution and wish to share with you. Hopefully these questions will aid in improving measures in and out of the child care center.
 If you have a child in your life, download and take this survey/questionnaire as a tool on your search for the perfect solution.

Thank you for your concern and participation.

Ey Wade

What it says:


These questions pertain to everyone in the childcare, from janitorial to director. Please do not let your position in the center or as a parent(guardian) bias your answer.

You may hold the key to making your particular center better and possibly saving a life. You may hold the key to making the center the best. Please answer questions as completely as possible without using the minimum standards handbook. If you or your center has a unique way of handling things, please include your suggestions.

1) Do you love working with children? _________Why?_______________

2) How long have you worked in childcare?_____________ Do you feel the same about the profession as you did when you started?

3) Do you believe the amount you are paid reflects your duties?

4) Would you as a staff member, report negligence, abuse, or misconduct that occurs in the center? _____If no, why not?

5) If you did report within the center ad actions remained the same, would you report to higher authority?

6) Not considering your salary as a necessity, how important is your responsibility in childcare?

7) Do you feel your actions, attitude, and morals affect the children in your care?

8) Why is it important for parents to have respect for their caregiver?

9) Do you feel it is important to 'get along' with staff members?

10) Do you believe its okay to go to work and just 'mind your business'?

11) Who do you feel is responsible for overall conduct or actions which occur within the center? Why?

12) Would you take exception to someone walking around observing, and taking notes within the center?


13) What is your idea of a ' safe' environment?


1. What are the most important pieces of information to be posted over each crib in an infant room or near the crib in a home center?

What is your suggestion?

2. What do you feel is the best way to make sure the room is safe for infant care? What is your suggestion?

3. Should each infant have a specified crib? If not, how would you distinguish who uses each crib? What is your suggestion?

4. What would you do if there were a fire in the center and you worked with infants? Your suggestion.


5. Why do you think it is important to have a list of the children in your care posted on the wall?

 Do you think it is important to have their emergency information posted, also? What would be your suggestion?

6. How often should you count the children in your care?  Why? What is your suggestion?

7 Do you feel it is important to carry the list of children with you when you (and the children) leave the room?


8. Do you believe there should be a designated routine established in your center concerning field trips? What would you do before and after a field trip to make sure all of the children are safe and accounted for?

9. I believe cell phones are a major asset between center and van drivers; plus center and director. What do you feel? Should the center be responsible for supplying and maintaining this equipment?

10.When on a field trip, do you believe there should be a designated 'lead' teacher?

11. What do you think should be the routine for safe daily van/car transportation? How would you make sure no child is forgotten in the vehicle?


12. Do you believe teachers need short breaks throughout the day? Why?What would you suggest?

13. If you were in the farthest class from the office how would you relate your needs to the office or others?

14. Do you think it would be beneficial for all classes/ home to have intercom systems or video monitors?

15. What would be an approved reason to leave your class (inside or outside) without adult supervision?

16. How would you handle such a situation in a home center? If you are the only adult, how do you handle lunch preparation? Restroom breaks?


17. What information should a parent share when bringing child to center in morning?

18. Do you think parents should be allowed to bring strangers into the building/home when leaving or picking up their children?

19. Do you believe centers should provide a designated place for visitors to wait while clients get their child? What is your suggestion?

20. If you didn't know the person who has come to get a child, what would you do?

Remember, you are in the farthest room from the office.

21. Where should initial identification have been?

22. What is your (your center's) procedure?

23. What would you do if a child refuses to leave with the person after identification has been established?

24. The child is the last in the center, you're tired and ready to leave, but the child is hysterical and refuses to leave. What would be your response?

25. What do you feel your responsibility is when working in childcare and where does it end?

26. If a serious accident or death occurs in your childcare center, who should be responsible?

27. From children playing in the restrooms, to running in the highways, how observant or conscious are you being on a daily basis in all areas? What is your suggestion?


If you feel you can elaborate on this survey, please feel free to do so.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME Wade-In Publishing    email: imtheauhor@gmail.com

The Perfect Solution is a novel written with the purpose of informing parents, parents-to-be, daycare workers, owners, and others in the child care profession of the importance of diligent observation in childcare centers.

While The Perfect Solution is entertaining, it entices parents to become involved in the daily running of the center their child/children attend. The Perfect Solution captures the attention of workers and owners of centers by reminding them of the little incidents occurring in the center where they ma have been lacking in observation. This novel brings the true importance of paying attention close to home.

In the novel, other problems occurring in the building are mentioned, for example, poor staffing, high staff turn-over, physical abuse, children forgotten in vans, parks, just to name a few. The Perfect Solution tells of problems, but also gives solutions to the problems.

The Perfect Solution not only delves into the depths of the emotions and thoughts of the parents and the child, it also exposes the  motives of the abductor, the director of the center  and the teacher who mistakenly places the child in the abductor's hands.

Read excerpts from book here.

You can purchase The Perfect Solution and other books by Ey Wade at all major bookstores.

Ey Wade

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